I hope...... by Krishon Allen
“I Hope…”
by Krishon Allen
I hope you would see me
Before a hashtag precedes my name
Before my face is a mural on a brick façade
I hope you would see me
As a parent to my children
As a lover to my spouse
As the family comedian at gatherings
I hope you would see me
Before there are cries for justice
And tears from gas in the streets
I hope you would see me
As a fixture in my community
As someone who has challenges not different from others
As a teenage boy
I hope you would see me
Before the church is praying for my family and community
Before the media has dissected my life to justify things
I hope you would see me
As created in the image of God
As a life worth saving through de-escalation
As someone that has the hope of tomorrow
My prayer is that you would take the time to see me