Posts tagged hopeless
Waiting for the Light by Susan Tucker

In this Advent season, I’m continuing to name my longing, inviting Jesus to come and watching for Him. Maybe He’ll arrive like a Christmas carol carried on the wind, a sweet scent in the air, or a star in the East. However He comes, I’ll be waiting and watching.

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Advent's Companionship of Hope and Grief by Kalee Vandegrift

As I sit here trying to let my flame of joy live, I wonder about this. My rational brain and therapist in me say, “Yes, we hold the tensions of this world, we hold our various emotions and experiences together.” But my body and my heart are skeptical, possibly even scared, unsure if it’s safe. Safe for what you may ask? Safe to believe God is all who She says She is and I am who She says I am. Safe to be in my body as I feel the goodness of God and not fear disappointment, death, and it ending. Safe to take up space. Safe to believe that it’s okay to find rest and relief in my joy.

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a third way - to bear witness

Wisdom is grounded in embodied knowing, holding complexity without losing conviction. We must imagine a third way.

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Season of Hope by Jennifer Stewart

ibrancy and beauty will come around again.

Did you know, Revelation 5:8 paints a celestial picture of the prayers of the saints as the incense filling golden bowls, brought before the Lamb? Our prayers are not forgotten.

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To Hope While Inhabiting Ruins by Camara Gaither

Cruel mysteries surround us

About a plundered earth

Where people are pillaged,

Possessions cherished,

And cravings for power, insatiable.

With certain skin shades despised

While another is idolized.

Where there are wars and walls,

Image bearers banished to cages.

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In Defense of Hope by Misty Harper-Anderson

God doesn’t sleep. He doesn’t grow tired or weary. My burdens or the burdens of those I love are never too much for him.

Instead, Jesus invites us to allow him to carry all that weighs heavily on us.

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Faith, Hope and the Election by Tracy Johnson
Fighting to Hope by Tiffany Davis

2020 is covered by a dark cloud of hopelessness. A cloud that threatens to suffocate us. A cloud that shows no signs of dissipating.

This overwhelming presence of hopelessness continues to creep toward us and pound on the door to our mind, body, and soul wanting us to give up and let it come pouring in.

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I hope...... by Krishon Allen

I hope you would see me

Before a hashtag precedes my name

Before my face is a mural on a brick façade

I hope you would see me

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A Series: In Defense of Hope

How will hope hold the complexity of systems, people, polarized political parties, governments, estranged friends – faith communities divided? Is hope light enough to find goodness and heavy enough to sit in despair? Will hope provide for the hopeless without asking me or them to live in fantasy?

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