Posts tagged presidential election
Hope is... by Eliza Cortes Bast

Hope is,

Hope is a spark.

Shooting out from my fingers,

Pow, pow, pow!

Hitting the powder on the ground,

Blasting like fireworks to the dark.

It screams,

I (boom) am (crash) here (pow).

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In Defense of Hope by Misty Harper-Anderson

God doesn’t sleep. He doesn’t grow tired or weary. My burdens or the burdens of those I love are never too much for him.

Instead, Jesus invites us to allow him to carry all that weighs heavily on us.

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Hope in Light of Faith and the 2020 Election by Vanessa Sadler

On one hand hope fuels me to meet creative deadlines, stirred by the notion that my words will fall on ears to hear and eyes to see. Hope ignites passion to sit with clients who are filled with rumblings of despair as they look over the debris of trauma in their lives. Hope gives birth to desire and longing for repaired relationships.

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In Defense of Hope: Politics by Maggie Hemphill

When we believe the lie that our individual choices do not impact the collective, we are comforted by our despair. We assuage our anxiety and release ourselves from responsibility or action. Hopelessness is a kind of numbness that desensitizes us to our world and ourselves.

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