Posts tagged latina
plantation politics of “little norway," and rise up

“If people don't vote, everything stays the same. You can protest until the sky turns yellow or the moon turns blue, and it's not going to change anything if you don't vote.”

Delores Huerta

Latina American labor leader and civil rights activist

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the proof is in the pudding, and a little bit of evidence

Approximately 64 percent of Hispanic Students are not succeeding to where they should be in mathematics in one of our local middle schools.

There are close links, with research backing these links, between succeeding in 8th grade mathematics, high school graduation, college enrollment and then earnings

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try to ground the butterflies but don’t count us out, yet.

Conditioned against healing the systems oppressing us, I sit here, too. The spice hits my tongue. I love its hotness, the dare of trying more on the next taco.

Unwavering in my tiredness, delight, anger, angst. The bigness of feelings, embraced. Familiarity with oppression is normalized, to where I am chastised for any attempt to bring relief to mi gente by asking those in power to remove their heavy feet off our necks. But we keep asking, demanding, resisting, and flying.

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Pursuing Justice by Fostering Community by Augie Lujan

Community isn't just the physical neighborhood, homes, and streets - it's the people. Justice isn't just the laws, rules, and punishment - it's the treatment; it's how a community and society function and operate. For decades and even centuries, the United States has been working (and at many times struggling) to become more united. The idealism of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" written into the Declaration of Independence and the aim to be "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" from our school-aged pledges, are baked into this American Pie.

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The Binds of Injustice

Michelle Obama says, “When they go low, we go high.” My dear African American colleague reminds me that supremacy creates a false dichotomy of the choices you have in a scenario – creating false equivalencies which are rarely true.

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Latinx Heritage

I share this quote from Ignacio, “"The homeostatic vision leads us to distrust everything that is change and disequalibrium, to think badly of all that represents rupture, conflict and crisis. From this perspective, it becomes hard, more or less implicitly, for the disequilibrium inherent in social struggle not to be interpreted as a form of personal disorder (do we not speak of people who have 'lost their balance'?) and for the conflicts generated by overthrowing the social order not to be considered as pathological."

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20 years

Please take me, amor.

We dancing to bone rhyms.

Somos los mismos - lots of spice

It’s dark, now. We watch one another,

Breathe, make up, argue, laugh

pass through borders

Cultures argue for which lives count mas

You, my love,

Mi amor, I’ll be here

I’m sorry I let you down sometimes,

My country and place take dirty shots at your beautiful face.

Perdoname mi amor y yo

Tambien te perdono porque– tu eres el hombre que quiero.

You are perfecto for me because you aren’t perfect.

Mil gracias amor.

Your only,


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Hope is... by Eliza Cortes Bast

Hope is,

Hope is a spark.

Shooting out from my fingers,

Pow, pow, pow!

Hitting the powder on the ground,

Blasting like fireworks to the dark.

It screams,

I (boom) am (crash) here (pow).

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It’s not easy to slow down, take a breath, listen to my body, check in with my family in more than just passing. I live in a heightened state of movement, needing to meet deadlines, pressure to stay present with my family, amidst deep desire for connection.

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