Posts tagged lover
No hay lugar en la posada; Más que oraciones por las madres de Gaza

Un bebé, dentro de un útero, esperando nacer. Dos padres, solteros, buscando algún lugar, porque María sentía que su cuerpo se contraía. Mientras el imperio no lanzaba bombas sobre Mary, peligrosos soldados del imperio acechaban, hablando de la urgencia y la necesidad de una ubicación, para ella y el bebé.

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No room at the inn; More than prayers for Gazan mothers

A Western perspective on Advent focuses on individualism – reinforces existing structures; it ignores the reality of social structures, reducing structural problems to personal problems. Mary couldn’t find a place to give birth. Yes, the villagers were selfish, but the system also made it normal to perpetrate against an oppressed people, even a mother in active labor.

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Pursuing Justice by Fostering Community by Augie Lujan

Community isn't just the physical neighborhood, homes, and streets - it's the people. Justice isn't just the laws, rules, and punishment - it's the treatment; it's how a community and society function and operate. For decades and even centuries, the United States has been working (and at many times struggling) to become more united. The idealism of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" written into the Declaration of Independence and the aim to be "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" from our school-aged pledges, are baked into this American Pie.

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