Posts in Bodies
plantation politics of “little norway," and rise up

“If people don't vote, everything stays the same. You can protest until the sky turns yellow or the moon turns blue, and it's not going to change anything if you don't vote.”

Delores Huerta

Latina American labor leader and civil rights activist

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try to ground the butterflies but don’t count us out, yet.

Conditioned against healing the systems oppressing us, I sit here, too. The spice hits my tongue. I love its hotness, the dare of trying more on the next taco.

Unwavering in my tiredness, delight, anger, angst. The bigness of feelings, embraced. Familiarity with oppression is normalized, to where I am chastised for any attempt to bring relief to mi gente by asking those in power to remove their heavy feet off our necks. But we keep asking, demanding, resisting, and flying.

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Turkish delight: North Kitsap’s investigation -- and, the things we carry

Like Edmund, we ate the Turkish delight offered by the system, relying on their forms, processes, hoping thier procedural laws built to oppress us would do something other. Our stories cemented in stones, the scars on our skin, un-dead, and un-done.

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Latinx Heritage

I share this quote from Ignacio, “"The homeostatic vision leads us to distrust everything that is change and disequalibrium, to think badly of all that represents rupture, conflict and crisis. From this perspective, it becomes hard, more or less implicitly, for the disequilibrium inherent in social struggle not to be interpreted as a form of personal disorder (do we not speak of people who have 'lost their balance'?) and for the conflicts generated by overthrowing the social order not to be considered as pathological."

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20 years

Please take me, amor.

We dancing to bone rhyms.

Somos los mismos - lots of spice

It’s dark, now. We watch one another,

Breathe, make up, argue, laugh

pass through borders

Cultures argue for which lives count mas

You, my love,

Mi amor, I’ll be here

I’m sorry I let you down sometimes,

My country and place take dirty shots at your beautiful face.

Perdoname mi amor y yo

Tambien te perdono porque– tu eres el hombre que quiero.

You are perfecto for me because you aren’t perfect.

Mil gracias amor.

Your only,


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Third of July, and the Fourth of July - Remembering Stonechild Chiefstick

Not Buffalo, or Irvine, Uvalde, or Jayland Walker’s story will shock us enough to change. The paddles which electrify our hearts, aren’t built for centuries of hardened callouses.

A painful peeling must begin to dig at the crust which keeps us from feeling the pain of our scars and our perpetration of violence. May we find pause, this July 4th – to create intentional anti-racist communities which feel and see and hear.

May we remember Stonechild Chiefstick.

Because, his life matters.

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Why diversity, equity, and inclusion doesn’t work.

Why would DEI interventions be any different? Healing comes through an integrated experience of multiple emotions, body sensations, combined with imagination ignited on a cellular level – including our hearts, arms, fingers, thighs, spirits, guts, and yes, the prefrontal cortex thinking/processing brain.

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Advent Waiting (Mary's Song) by Lisa Daley

It has been a year of recognizing deep systemic injustice, longing for change and questioning, “Who are we to be with one another? How are we to be with one another?” Advent is about waiting, gestational waiting. Who are your role models for expectant waiting to birth something long overdue?

This Advent season, perhaps it’s time to sing a new song? Let it begin with me.

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Waiting for the Light by Susan Tucker

In this Advent season, I’m continuing to name my longing, inviting Jesus to come and watching for Him. Maybe He’ll arrive like a Christmas carol carried on the wind, a sweet scent in the air, or a star in the East. However He comes, I’ll be waiting and watching.

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Oh Holy Night by Danielle S. Castillejo

The thought of Christmas brings me both joy and grief. Every. Single. Year. And every single year I pull out Christmas music and gravitate to “Oh Holy Night” by Mariah Carey. As a teenager, I discovered her Christmas album and had one of those ancient cassette tapes - connected to a wire - connected to my CD player. Am I even remembering that right? It was a sort-of-conversion device to play compact discs in my car. (That’s a clue to just how old I am.)

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Advent's Companionship of Hope and Grief by Kalee Vandegrift

As I sit here trying to let my flame of joy live, I wonder about this. My rational brain and therapist in me say, “Yes, we hold the tensions of this world, we hold our various emotions and experiences together.” But my body and my heart are skeptical, possibly even scared, unsure if it’s safe. Safe for what you may ask? Safe to believe God is all who She says She is and I am who She says I am. Safe to be in my body as I feel the goodness of God and not fear disappointment, death, and it ending. Safe to take up space. Safe to believe that it’s okay to find rest and relief in my joy.

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2020's Letter to Mary - Advent by Camara Gaither

Mary, can you beckon us back to Advent in its’ truest form?

This year needs more than a forest of lights draped over stiff buildings.
It needs more than cheerful Christmas melodies.

Even the restful aroma of a plucked tree’s pine and mint
Cannot swallow such vast lament,
It’s despair that hangs in the air.

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From The Desk of Dr. Kimberly Riley

As we look back on the most memorable moments in our lives, we look back with joy and celebration. We try to recall the things that make us feel good and forgot the things that don’t. During this Advent season, what do you think it would be like if you intentionally focused on the less than pleasant memories in your past to gain new insight about yourself?

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a broken hallelujah by Danielle S. Castillejo

The dark days of winter stretch from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Cloudy skies force the sun to take cover. I feel alone. Slow home-school mornings compete with news feeds of election season anxiety, and air thick with virus. Although I see the faces of four eager-to-please children, I know the weight of their isolation in my chest.

Jesus, I declare, “Come.”

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A Thanksgiving Myth

Perhaps this Thursday, we can all sit, mourn, and honor the peoples who cultivated the earth under our feet, who cared for the animals, and one another. Perhaps as illness rampages across the country we will finally begin to comprehend in the tiniest way how a virus can change the way we work, live, eat, and gather. Perhaps we begin to repent. Perhaps we begin to know gratitude in our repentance.

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Season of Hope by Jennifer Stewart

ibrancy and beauty will come around again.

Did you know, Revelation 5:8 paints a celestial picture of the prayers of the saints as the incense filling golden bowls, brought before the Lamb? Our prayers are not forgotten.

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Hope is... by Eliza Cortes Bast

Hope is,

Hope is a spark.

Shooting out from my fingers,

Pow, pow, pow!

Hitting the powder on the ground,

Blasting like fireworks to the dark.

It screams,

I (boom) am (crash) here (pow).

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