Jesus stood in front of the donkey, got on it, no scars yet and they all cheered as he entered the city. I cannot watch the live feed of Facebook without wondering if I am another onlooker, or observer, cheering for the next great moment of harm in someone’s life.
Read MoreI am celebrating the resurrection of a brown Jesus who ate with wine-drinkers and tax collectors, elevated women to power, healed the untouchables, called religious leaders to pass through the eye of a needle, and gave a murderer deathbed forgiveness and entrance into Heaven.
Read MoreI used to think I survived by magic and miracles the great shame of my 30’s, testing new waters at age 40. Sure, as the days become sunny in the spring, I was sure it was over. Well, I was wrong. Some say you can outlast your deep pain, but I’m writing you now so you know you need to deal with it if you can. Just do it. I cast my dye with a brown soul. I love him. And, you were born. Thank God, for you.
Read MoreA lot of people are being quarantined. So, they cannot leave their houses. My mom showed me a video of people singing on their porches. They could not leave their houses because they are being quarantined. Nobody can visit any of the old folks homes, because they might give them the coronavirus.
Read MoreEl Coronavirus, Ansiedad, Aislación, y Trauma
El virus ahora, ha integrado en nuestras vidas, nuestras conversaciones, y está viviendo en nuestros pensamientos. Tal vez tienes o no tienes los síntomas físicos que califican en el mundo de los médicos para un diagnosis que tienes el coronavirus, de todos modos, estas infectado.
Read MoreJoke to him and to me
he’s there
she’s not seen
I’ll tell you the stories of eyes not blue
I’ll tell you the stories of eyes not blue
Read Morethe pews with common faces,
and here, my brown hands
tearing white loaves
for you, for you
my body broken,
i consent
Read MoreRead MoreI heard you say, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me – holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.”
It Still Hurts: a theology of hopelessness
Churchy Sermon Sundays are focused on James the “Just”, with the latest monologue on the subject of generosity. None of it is relevant. Or, maybe it all should be relevant. I don’t know. Despair surges past our hope.
Read MoreRead MoreThere are a lot of thoughts that go through my head after women get together, share vulnerable spaces, and return to the hustle of every-day life.
Read MoreThe church must fight through the eye of needle to enter into the kingdom of God. Evangelical Christianity must risk its wealth and power to accept Jesus’ invitation to Eden.