Posts tagged espanol
Diecisiete (Seventeen) - Kaya McCluskey (English)

All play for three caramel skin,

multi-ethnic girls giggling.

Several white boys up front, unsmiling.

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Diecisiete - Kaya McCluskey

Miss escribió la primera tarea:
Un autorretrato que muestra "quién eres tú." Los hombros bajaran, no conocía a ella. Aire con olor a cera, papel seco,
Un escalofrío asqueado y una tristeza. Diecisiete años en la sala de arte.

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Racism Newsletter Vanessa Larios

As Im typing this Im sitting here thinking when will racism end?

What is it going to take?

Since my first day of kindergarten, I felt different. I didn’t know English I was always the last to learn everything.

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