Posts tagged writer
No hay lugar en la posada; Más que oraciones por las madres de Gaza

The truce ended today. Bombing continues. Violent images flood my nervous system. I make a point to pray. Death is lurking.

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No room at the inn; More than prayers for Gazan mothers

The truce ended today. Bombing continues. Violent images flood my nervous system. I make a point to pray. Death is lurking.

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Nombres y adaptación by Diana Frazier

Hace poco le había dicho a mi papá que estaba embarazada; Esta fue mi cuarta vez. El tercer embarazo terminó en el primer trimestre y él estaba nervioso de que yo volviera a quedar embarazada. Para él, mi aborto espontáneo anterior significaba que el embarazo es peligroso y podría morir.

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Names and Fitting In by Diana Frazier

I had recently told my dad I was pregnant; this was my fourth time. The third pregnancy ended in the first trimester, and he was nervous for me to be pregnant again. To him, my prior miscarriage meant pregnancy is dangerous and I could die. I was irritated at his remarks, unable to see it was his immense love for me coming through as worry. I was his baby, and he didn’t want to ever lose me.

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Racism Newsletter Vanessa Larios

As Im typing this Im sitting here thinking when will racism end?

What is it going to take?

Since my first day of kindergarten, I felt different. I didn’t know English I was always the last to learn everything.

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