Read More“We do this because the world we live in is a house on fire and the people we love are burning.”
― Cisneros Sandra
Read More“We do this because the world we live in is a house on fire and the people we love are burning.”
― Cisneros Sandra
The truce ended today. Bombing continues. Violent images flood my nervous system. I make a point to pray. Death is lurking.
Read MoreThe truce ended today. Bombing continues. Violent images flood my nervous system. I make a point to pray. Death is lurking.
Read MoreRead MoreMy journey began as a clinical psychologist in Mexico, and over 25 years, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of fostering mental well-being and inclusivity. This journey has led me to become a Cornell-certified DEI professional, and I am deeply committed about participating in creating a more equitable and inclusive society.
Read MoreGeneralmente al escuchar estas palabras pensamos en personas rapadas, con barbas largas y suásticas tatuadas, empuñando la bandera confederada de los Estado Unidos, gritando a todo pulmón que odian a las personas de color.
Hace poco le había dicho a mi papá que estaba embarazada; Esta fue mi cuarta vez. El tercer embarazo terminó en el primer trimestre y él estaba nervioso de que yo volviera a quedar embarazada. Para él, mi aborto espontáneo anterior significaba que el embarazo es peligroso y podría morir.
Read MoreI had recently told my dad I was pregnant; this was my fourth time. The third pregnancy ended in the first trimester, and he was nervous for me to be pregnant again. To him, my prior miscarriage meant pregnancy is dangerous and I could die. I was irritated at his remarks, unable to see it was his immense love for me coming through as worry. I was his baby, and he didn’t want to ever lose me.
Read MoreRead MoreAll play for three caramel skin,
multi-ethnic girls giggling.
Several white boys up front, unsmiling.
Read MoreMiss escribió la primera tarea:
Un autorretrato que muestra "quién eres tú." Los hombros bajaran, no conocía a ella. Aire con olor a cera, papel seco,
Un escalofrío asqueado y una tristeza. Diecisiete años en la sala de arte.