Posts tagged artista
Abolish ICE - Brenda Calderon

ABOLISH ICE - Brenda Calderon

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abolir el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de EE.UU. - Brenda Calderon

abolir el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de EE.UU. - Brenda Calderon

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What is Systemic Racism? - Gabriela Ituarte

My journey began as a clinical psychologist in Mexico, and over 25 years, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of fostering mental well-being and inclusivity. This journey has led me to become a Cornell-certified DEI professional, and I am deeply committed about participating in creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

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¿Qué es un Sistema de supremacía Racial? - Gabriela Ituarte

Generalmente al escuchar estas palabras pensamos en personas rapadas, con barbas largas y suásticas tatuadas, empuñando la bandera confederada de los Estado Unidos, gritando a todo pulmón que odian a las personas de color.

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A mis compañeros inmigrantes - Rachel Anna Smart

Enviaré mi nariz de regreso a Polonia.

Mis manos de regreso a Inglaterra.

Enviaré parte de mi piel a Alemania y parte de mi cabello a Escocia.

Pero mi corazón... lo guardaré en Nəxʷq̓iyt.

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To my fellow immigrants. - Rachel Anna Smart

My hands back to England.  

I’ll send some of my skin back to Germany and some of my hair back to Scotland.

But my heart... I’ll keep that in Nəxʷq̓iyt.

With all the love and anger of my Seya still flowing in it.   

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Dia De Los Muertos - by Julie D. Castillejo

Dia De Los Muertos by Julie D. Castillejo

This piece of art was meant to represent Día de Los Muertos, a part of my Mexican heritage.

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Bisan - Belonging - Palestina - La Pertenencia

Bisan - Belonging - Palestine

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