Posts in Love
Las escuelas públicas pertenecen a todos, excepto a aquellos que las destruirían - Avery Welkin

The truth is that in American society’s democratic ideal, public schools are for everyone. Even though the reality is that public schools were designed with a narrower focus on serving the white and wealthy, it is very clear now that this is not the goal. Public schools are one of the few spaces, along with public libraries, where American society at all socioeconomic levels, racial/ethnic identities, and abilities are welcome to learn without an expectation of spending money.

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Public Schools Belong to Everyone, Except Those Who Would Destroy Them - Avery Welkin

The truth is that in American society’s democratic ideal, public schools are for everyone. Even though the reality is that public schools were designed with a narrower focus on serving the white and wealthy, it is very clear now that this is not the goal. Public schools are one of the few spaces, along with public libraries, where American society at all socioeconomic levels, racial/ethnic identities, and abilities are welcome to learn without an expectation of spending money.

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Diecisiete (Seventeen) - Kaya McCluskey (English)

All play for three caramel skin,

multi-ethnic girls giggling.

Several white boys up front, unsmiling.

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Diecisiete - Kaya McCluskey

Miss escribió la primera tarea:
Un autorretrato que muestra "quién eres tú." Los hombros bajaran, no conocía a ella. Aire con olor a cera, papel seco,
Un escalofrío asqueado y una tristeza. Diecisiete años en la sala de arte.

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Boletín del Racismo por Vanessa Larios

Mientras escribo esto, estoy sentado aquí pensando ¿cuándo terminará el racismo? ¿Qué va a hacer falta? Desde mi primer día en el jardín de infantes, me sentí diferente. No sabía inglés, siempre era el último en aprenderlo todo. Mis padres no tenían el típico trabajo estadounidense. Mis padres no eran abogados, médicos ni maestros, mi papá es paisajista y mi mamá limpiaba casas.

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Racism Newsletter Vanessa Larios

As Im typing this Im sitting here thinking when will racism end?

What is it going to take?

Since my first day of kindergarten, I felt different. I didn’t know English I was always the last to learn everything.

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Las Cronicás de la Justicia - porque resistimos

Estoy escribiendo, pidiendo amistad, sabiduría, y participación en resistir la violencia del Sistema. Un Sistema que mantiene y demanda nuestra participación en las injusticias, pero al mismo tiempo témenos que sonreír, y pretender que todo está bien. Y si no participamos, debemos de mover atreves del mismo sistema para ser iguales y sabemos que nunca podemos ser.

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